
摩訶般若波羅蜜多心經[1]梵文प्रज्ञापारमिताहृदयसूत्रPrajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra),又稱《般若波羅密多心經》,簡稱《般若心經》、《心經》,是般若經系列中一部極為重要的經典。《心經》言簡義豐、博大精深、提綱挈領,直明「第一義諦」,集中展現了般若學的精髓,為大乘佛教出家及在家佛教徒日常背誦的佛經。「色即是空,空即是色」一句即出自該部經文。








在《大般若經》中數度出現 「菩薩摩訶薩普為利樂諸有情故,求趣無上正等菩提」與 「觀諸法皆空,不捨一切有情」字句。此即表示若離開對眾生的慈悲濟度,則一切修行的意義則大打折扣,不能最終成就無上菩提正果。 註:性空:自性本空。而非空性。自性,不生不滅,不垢不淨,不增不減,沒有所謂空不空的問題。若用空性二字,即顛倒字句,非原義。




Om Homage to the Perfection of Wisdom the Lovely, the Holy !

Avalokita, the Holy Lord and Bodhisattva, was moving in the deep course of the Wisdom which has gone beyond.

He looked down from on high, He beheld but five heaps, and He saw that in their own-being they were empty.

Here, O Sariputra,

form is emptiness and the very emptiness is form ;

emptiness does not differ from form, form does not differ from emptiness, whatever is emptiness, that is form,

the same is true of feelings, perceptions, impulses, and consciousness.

Here, O Sariputra,

all dharmas are marked with emptiness ;

they are not produced or stopped, not defiled or immaculate, not deficient or complete.

Therefore, O Sariputra,

in emptiness there is no form nor feeling, nor perception, nor impulse, nor consciousness ;

No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind ; No forms, sounds, smells, tastes, touchables or objects of mind ; No sight-organ element, and so forth, until we come to :

No mind-consciousness element ; There is no ignorance, no extinction of ignorance, and so forth, until we come to : There is no decay and death, no extinction of decay and death. There is no suffering, no origination, no stopping, no path.

There is no cognition, no attainment and no non-attainment.

Therefore, O Sariputra,

it is because of his non-attainmentness that a Bodhisattva, through having relied on the Perfection of Wisdom, dwells without thought-coverings. In the absence of thought-coverings he has not been made to tremble,

he has overcome what can upset, and in the end he attains to Nirvana.

All those who appear as Buddhas in the three periods of time fully awake to the utmost, right and perfect Enlightenment because they have relied on the Perfection of Wisdom.

Therefore one should know the prajnaparamita as the great spell, the spell of great knowledge, the utmost spell, the unequalled spell, allayer of all suffering, in truth — for what could go wrong ? By the prajnaparamita has this spell been delivered. It runs like this :

gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha.

( Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone altogether beyond, O what an awakening, all-hail ! — )

This completes the Heart of perfect Wisdom.

(Translated by E. Conze)

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