
amble [‘æmbl] (v.)緩行;輕鬆地走,從容漫步
A young couple ambled along the path. 一對年輕夫婦悠閒地在小路上漫步。
Slowly they ambled back to the car. = stroll
to walk slowly in a relaxed way = saunter

meander [mɪ’ændə(r)] (v.)緩慢而曲折地流動; 漫談;  漫步
They meandered around the old town admiring the architecture.
The stream meanders slowly down to the sea.

perambulate [pə’ræmbjəleɪt /-jʊl-] (v.)漫步;巡迴

promenade [‚prɑmə’neɪd /‚prɒmə’nɑːd]
(v.)散步源自(法文) promener [去散步]
He promenaded back and forth on the ship’s deck.
Every Sunday, regardless of the weather, he promenades for an hour in the park.

ramble [‘ræmbl] (v.)閒逛; 漫步
We spent the summer rambling in Ireland.  我們花了一個夏天漫遊愛爾蘭。

saunter [‘sɔntə(r) /’sɔːntə] (v.)閒逛; 漫步
All afternoon he sauntered up and down, looking at the shops and the people.
整個下午他四處閒逛, 瞧瞧商店, 看看行人。

stroll [strəʊl] (v.)散步, 溜達;  緩步走
to walk in a leisurely or idle manner : RAMBLE
I used to stroll along the beach on Sundays.
I noticed a stranger strolling the street of the village.

wander [‘wɑndə(r) /’wɒn-] (v.)漫遊; 閒逛;  流浪; 徘徊
He wandered in the streets. 他在街上遊蕩。

mosey [‘məʊzɪ] (v.)[INFORMAL]  漫步; 徘徊;  離去
to move in a leisurely or aimless manner : SAUNTER
He usually moseys into town for no special reason. = wander, stroll


About leeoxygen

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